Computers work on the binary system.
The reason binary is the fastest way of thinking is simple.
Yes or no.
In or out.
On or off.
Go or stay.
In either situation, you know what you’re doing.
You can immediately move to your next option.
There’s no hold-up.
The hold-up is the third option.
Everyone thinks Maybe is better than No, but that isn’t true.
Obviously the answer you want is Yes.
Yes is a result.
But if you can’t get a Yes, get a No.
A No is better than a Maybe.
A Maybe stops you dead.
A Maybe keeps you trapped in inaction.
A Maybe is waiting around in the hope that it turns into a Yes.
A Maybe removes your power to act.
A Yes or No gives you power to act.
Like a traffic light that’s red or green.
You know what to do next.
But a Maybe is like a traffic light stuck at amber.
You don’t know whether to stay or go.
Is it going to turn red or is it going to turn green, or will it stay stuck at amber forever?
You can’t move because you don’t know what’s happening.
And you’re frightened to do anything in case you change the Maybe into a No.
But a No is better than a Maybe.
A No lets you act, forces you to act.
A No is empowering.
Sure you feel bad for a bit, but you move on.
Maybe you keep coming up against No after No.
But you keep going until you get to a Yes.
If you stay stuck at Maybe, you avoid the No after No.
But you never get to a Yes.
Meanwhile your life is ticking away.
And your energy is leaking out.
You’re not moving because you’re stuck at Maybe.
That’s why I think it’s better to challenge a Maybe.
To force a Maybe to decide whether it’s a Yes or a No.
Then, either way, at least you can move on.
A Yes is your first choice, obviously.
You know where you are, you can move on.
But a No is your second choice.
You know where you are, you can move on.
A Maybe is your third choice.
You don’t know where you are, you can’t move on.
Maybe is the worst answer.
Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner?
Totally agree Jeremy… we have a 3 strikes rule and then assume it’s a no.